Spiderstu's World


Why is it that in this day and age, where we always seem to see kidnappings and abductions of children in the news, some people can be so reckless with their children?

I took a stroll down to the newsagents this afternoon to buy some smokes. As I was walking down the road in my own happy little world, I see two kids no older than 2 years on their own in a double pushchair thingamajig.

"surely their parent figure is somewhere in the vicinity" I thought to myself. I carried in to the shop which was next door. When I came out (five minutes later I might add!) they were still there. I sat down on a bench nearby and decided to wait until whom ever might be responsible for these nippers decided to resurface. I wasn't going to lecture her on the responsibilities one takes on as a parent, I just wanted to satisfy my own curiosity.

When she finally came out of a shop it wasn't the shop I thought it would be. I mean if you were going to leave your kids outside while you went into a shop you would at least put them outside the shop you were going in...right?

apparently not, this woman came out of a shop 4 doors away from where she left her kids! There's no way she could have kept an eye on them. In the time I sat there and watched, someone could have easily just strolled out of a shop and wheeled them away as if they were their own...

...Wait a minute...

... Hmmm interesting.


In true comic book fashion... 

...Nuff Said

Ticket for one please

Spider-Man 2 has finally be unleashed on the masses of the UK, and about freaking time! As of current press I've only seen it twice. Once on opening night with John, Adam, Ronnie and Richard and the second time on my own.
Sunday came and I just had to see it again, I had agreed to go watch it with my Dad but he had a headache and I could tell he really wanted to watch the golf, so let him off. It was actually quite liberating going on my own (something I've never done before.) I kinda wish I hadn't chose the Sunday afternoon showing though as the whole place was full with kids running around with Spider-Man 2 popcorn buckets on their heads.
After the showing I was having a fag outside and two kids started having a pop corn fight in front of me. "Oh how fun" I thought, and it was until it turned ugly. Child number 1 (lets call him Rupert) suddenly realized that child number 2 (Wilbur) still had half a bucket of popcorn left, while he had none. So Rupert obviously not wanting to lose threw his popcorn bucket at Wilbur. To which Wilbur started to cry and in a tearful frenzy start punching Rupert in the head.
Ok so now I had two 9 year olds rolling around at my feet parents nowhere in sight and trying to kill each other popcorn buckets to boot. "Hmmmm" My brain kicked in. "You think we should do something?" a valid question, but then a few scenarios ran through my head:
  1. In attempting to break up the frackas the kids turn on me and accuse me of assault, I get named and shamed as a child beater in the local, national and international newspapers. I then Go to jail after a long period spent in remand. When I get out the Child's Father is waiting for me and knifes me in the chest as soon as I step out of the prison gates.
  2. In attempting to break up the scuffle one of the kids lashes out and cops me pretty well in the face. How I got a black eye from a 9 year old is a story I don't want to tell to anybody.
  3. The kids are actually mutants and posses superhuman abilities and their struggle is one that has raged for years and years. My interaction only enrages them and they erase my existence with a mere thought.

Ok so the last one's kind of out there (probably the result of the film I'd just watched!) Luckily by the time all this had ran through my head one of the parents had surfaced and split it up. I also gathered from her look of disgust at me That splitting it up would have been the right choice. But then I though "Hey lady, their your freaking kids, where the hell were you!? Great parenting!"

I think I'll go to the cinema on my own more often!

Back from the Rife

So I'm back from Tenerife, had a really great time too. I burnt like a bitch on the last day though and now I'm paying the price and peeling like a bitch! Although the photos won't be up for a while because my PC seems to have decided it doesn't want to see my digital camera. To be honest I respect his decision, what ever problems they have I'm gonna leave to them to sort out. It would just be nice if Steve and Ken could put their differences aside for five minutes just for me!
Anyway, what else has been kicking around? Well I'll tell you, I got accepted into Worcester uni, yay! But here's the thing I found out the course is only run by Worcester it actually takes place at Kidderminster. Which to be honest changes things quite a bit. I mean Kidderminster is actually easier to get to on the train that it was for me to get to Sutton and I did that for 3 years.
So now I have the dilemma of do I live there or commute every day. It would certainly save me money to live at home, but there's a big part of me that wants to live away from home. Bah! I don't know, I'll just take it as it comes. Maybe I'll live at home for the first year then move up there in the second year.

Free Comics for everybody!!

With the release of Spider-Man 2 stateside and the impending release this side of the pond, it seems everyone is getting in the comicbook spirit. And why not?

as I read on superhero hype tomorrow is free comic book day

On July 3, you can celebrate independence from the cash register - because approximately 2,000 stores will be giving away comic books on that day, absolutely free of charge.

There are no gimmicks, no strings attached, and no purchase necessary. Just days after the highly anticipated Spider-Man 2 opens in theaters, comic book stores around the world will once again throw open their doors to hundreds of thousands of happy visitors and give away more than two million comic books.

Why? Because July 3 is Free Comic Book Day!

You can find your nearest participating comic outlet here. Alas for me though there will be no free comics, there's none participating in my area. In fact there's only one comic book shop in my area.

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