Spiderstu's World

Back from the Rife

So I'm back from Tenerife, had a really great time too. I burnt like a bitch on the last day though and now I'm paying the price and peeling like a bitch! Although the photos won't be up for a while because my PC seems to have decided it doesn't want to see my digital camera. To be honest I respect his decision, what ever problems they have I'm gonna leave to them to sort out. It would just be nice if Steve and Ken could put their differences aside for five minutes just for me!
Anyway, what else has been kicking around? Well I'll tell you, I got accepted into Worcester uni, yay! But here's the thing I found out the course is only run by Worcester it actually takes place at Kidderminster. Which to be honest changes things quite a bit. I mean Kidderminster is actually easier to get to on the train that it was for me to get to Sutton and I did that for 3 years.
So now I have the dilemma of do I live there or commute every day. It would certainly save me money to live at home, but there's a big part of me that wants to live away from home. Bah! I don't know, I'll just take it as it comes. Maybe I'll live at home for the first year then move up there in the second year.

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