Greg Set me this little task, so I obliged.
1.What is the total amount of music files on your computer?
I Don't know the exactnumber off hand because i'm not on my computer but its in the region of about 930 songs.
2.The last CD you bought is
Well they were bought for me at the same time at xmas and there's three of them. They are Damien Rice O, U2 how to dismatle an atomic bomb and Johnny Cash American IV. The last song I downloaded was Counting bodies like sheep to the rythm of war drums by a perfect circle.
3. What is the song you last listened to before reading this message?
It was Somebody told me by The killers.
4. Write down 5 songs you often listen to or that mean a lot to you
- The only living boy in new york - Simon and Garfunkel
- Hurt - Johnny Cash
- For you to notice - Dashboard Confessional
- Firestarter - Jimmy Eat World
- MLK - U2
5. Who are you going to pass this stick to? (3 persons) and why
Probably to Leigh because I don't really know anyone else with a blog who hasn't done it. I guess I could pass it on to Roy and John but as they don't have blogs no one would see it, although they'd still probably do it.
I've been online tonight looking for free sound effects for my film, They all suck ass! But hey they're free so I can't exactly complain. My film is turning out nothing like I'd hoped, I'm gonna have to cut so much to meet the 5 min 30sec cut off that I'm not sure if it's gonna make sense. One minute of screen time equals one page of script my ass!
I finally got rid of the side blog, I can barely update one blog let alone two! Plus by the time most interesting things on the net reach me nowadays they've already done the rounds about three or four times.
I can't decide if I'm happy being single or not. I really like the way my life is now, I've kind of shaped my life into a convenient little bubble that fits perfectly around me. There's no room for girlfriends in my bubble. Although it has been a while since I've had a *gulp!* committed relationship, I'm starting to think if maybe that's what I need right now. Maybe I should pop my bubble and blow a new one (that sounds weird out loud!)
Ah who knows, they're not exactly banging my door down at the moment if you know what I mean!
Any hoo, Take care and and tell someone you love that you love them... even if it's just your cat.
Oh! that reminds me I did move out! I've been living in my own house in Kidderminster for about a month now. Moving out has it's low points and it's high points but all in all it's pretty cool and i'm having a laugh which is the main thing.
My first film "A Superheroes Day Off" has been shot. I edited together a rough cut of it the other day and it doesn't look too bad. There's a few things hat don't work too well, mainly because of I didn't have the right mindset when I shot it. I showed the rough cut of it to a freind of mine on the course and he told me that I need to start thinking from an editing point of view when I'm filming. Thats so true, Mainly because this is the first film i've done so i was kind of working blind in a way. But i've already learnt a lot from my mistakes on this one shoot.
I've got a few guidelines to follow as well. The film can be no longer than 5 minutes 30 seconds and at the moment it is 7 minutes without credits and a few cutaways i've got to add in. I'm going to have to cut a few scenes I think. Also i'm only alowed 50 words of dialog... I have 77! The next film should be interesting though it has to be ten minutes to the frame, it can't be a hundreth of a second over!! Thats going to be such a bitch.
Me and one of the guys I live with Dave have started coming up with a few ideas for films too, were gonna form our own production company! We started shooting one yesterday, it's about a guy who is dreaming and everytime he enters a new room he is in a different genre of film. We filmed the horror genre yesterday in the really creepy basment of our house. I'm playing the guy who's dreaming so i was covered in fake blood and had a few home made squibs strapped about my person. Suffice to say we got some cool footage and were going to play about with special effects in this one, stufflike blue screen and having two of me on screen at the same time.
I'll post some pictures of the house if I get a chance and when the film is finsihed being edited i'll see if i can make it available to download.
I wish you much peace and love and a sponge bath from supermodels.